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Service Experts of South Jersey

Save Money On Your Utility Bills And Save Your Tax Return Money!

It’s no secret that high-efficiency HVAC products use less energy and can save you money on utility bills. The South Jersey Gas Smart Energy Partners program is designed to help make energy efficiency more affordable for homeowners. Whether you’re converting to natural gas, or already heating with it, financial incentives are available.

There are both high efficiency rebates and high efficiency loans available; however, it’s important to distinguish between the two. If you install high efficiency natural gas equipment, such as a furnace, boiler, or water heater, you may qualify for rebates from SJG Smart Energy Partners program. Click here to fill out a rebate application!

On the other hand, if you’re interested in an affordable monthly payment loan, SJG Smart Energy Partners program offers a 0% loan for 7 years with no money down! Fill out an application to apply!

Upgrading your HVAC equipment to be more energy efficient can save you tons of money in the long run! Contact Clay’s Climate Control if you have any questions.

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