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Tips for Keeping Your House Cool on a Budget

keeping house cool on a budgetThere’s nothing better than walking out of the scorching summer heat and into your refreshingly cold home to bask in the air condition. As pleasant as it all sounds, cooling your home can become costly trying to beat the outside heat as you head deeper into the summer months. Instead of dreading the warmer season, there are a few tips and tricks you can perform before breaking the bank. The team at Clay’s Climate Control is sharing how to keep the house cool all summer long while staying within your budget!

Let the AC take a night off 

While AC units are made to be used at any hour of the day, they use a significant amount of energy to keep your house cool 24/7. To keep your home cool on a budget, turn the AC off at night to save some money in your pocket. Temperatures outside typically drop at night, so open the windows and let the cool summer breeze in! 

Become a fan of fans 

Fans are an affordable and easily accessible gadget to keep your house cool in extreme heat without breaking the bank. Whether it’s turning on your ceiling fans or plugging in a portable fan, you’ll begin to cut costs on your electricity bill. And when the hotter day arrives, grab a bowl of ice cubes and place them in front of the fan to create a cool ocean-like breeze that’ll be sure to cool you off! 

Blinds and curtains 

As much as we all love the natural lighting in our homes, your windows could be the culprit for the rising heat within your home. If there is nothing shading the windows, the sunlight will stream through your home, causing it to feel like a greenhouse, hot and toasty. Blinds and curtains are the perfect and cost-effective solution to keeping your house cool in extreme heat by allowing your AC unit to run less and inevitably saving you money. There are thousands of options to choose from when shading your windows, so find blinds and curtains that work best for your needs.

Furniture readjustments 

As obvious as it will sound, moving furniture that is blocking air vents within your home is an easy solution to keep the house cool on a budget. When having your home AC unit on, there should be nothing obstructing the airflow. If there are objects blocking the vents, it’s best to move them or purchase air vent redirectors to move the position of the airflow for a better quality of use. This simple task can create an evenly cooled home, so you never have to worry about freezing in one room and feeling warm in another.

Why Choose Clay’s Climate Control for Your Air Conditioning Services? 

Is the summertime heat wearing you down more than ever? Here at Clay’s Climate Control, we are ready to work with you for all your AC Services needs! We provide several AC services, including maintenance, installation, and emergency repairs. When you choose to work with our team, you can expect timely, affordable, and efficient service. No matter what type of air conditioner service you are looking for – just make the call, and Clay’s Climate Control will handle it all! Contact us today at 609-916-1106.

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