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air conditioning

Signs that Your AC is Broken

When it’s hot outside, the last thing you want to deal with is having your air conditioner repaired or replaced. This can make it miserable to live in your home during the warmer months and can actually be dangerous in some situations. In order to avoid this situation, it is best to watch for the early signs of needing your air conditioner repaired.

Like most things in your home, an air conditioner will probably require a couple of repairs here and there. When minor repairs are not addressed, it can lead to bigger, more expensive repairs. If you are wondering how to know when your air conditioner is broken and needs a repair or a replacement, check out these telling signs:

  • You are hearing odd sounds. When your AC unit isn’t making the typical humming noise it usually makes, and instead you hear things like clanging or grating noises, it’s a good sign that your unit needs to be looked at. Hearing these noises often means that a part inside of the unit has become loose or is breaking down. It’s best to call a repair professional right away to catch this problem before other things in your unit begin to break.
  • Your house isn’t feeling as cool as you think it should. This is one of the most obvious signs that something is wrong with your AC unit. When you can tell that the unit isn’t blowing air out powerfully enough or the air doesn’t feel very cool, something is not operating as it should. To fix this problem easily and enjoy colder temperatures again, have a repair professional inspect the AC unit and ensure that what needs to be repaired or replaced has gotten the attention that it deserves.
  • Increased humidity in your home. One job of your air conditioner is to reduce the amount of humidity in your house. If your house is more humid than usual, even with the air conditioning on, the unit may need repair.
  • The thermostat does not work properly. You might notice that your air conditioner runs for a short time before turning off—or it doesn’t turn on at all. Your thermostat might be malfunctioning. You should have a technician check this as well.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, your AC may be broken. Call Clay’s Climate Control today to make an appointment for an AC repair!