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air conditioning

What Causes my Air Conditioner to Freeze Up?

An air conditioner freeze up can be frustrating, but it is not an uncommon problem. Your air conditioner can freeze up for a variety of reasons that we will discuss within this blog post. This is a problem that can turn a beautiful summer day into a scorching hot one in minutes so it’s important that you know what exactly can be the cause of it. Here are some common causes for your air conditioner to freeze up:

Blocked air flow

If your air filters are really dirty, then air flow is restricted throughout your house as a result. When air flow is restricted throughout your house, there’s no air moving through your AC system to keep the condensate from freezing.

Refrigerant leaks

If your AC unit is leaking coolant, it’s best to get it fixed immediately or invest in a new unit. This depends on the age of your current system, which a professional HVAC technician can assess. A leak causes a drop in pressure, allowing the coolant to expand too much and become too cold.

Cooler nights

Air conditioners are designed to function in a very specific temperature range. When summer nights are colder than the optimum temperature threshold in your AC unit, the pressures inside of your system will drop. This can cause a freeze up of your air conditioner.

At Clay’s Climate Control, we fix all types of HVAC problems for businesses and residents, including AC freeze-ups. We know that the summers in southern New Jersey can be quite warm and will respond quickly for any HVAC repair – contact us today!