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Reduce Airborne COVID-19 By 99.9% in Only 3 Minutes

airborne COVID-19Businesses and restaurants around the country are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that the cleanliness and safety of their locations are fit to combat the spread of COVID-19. We wear our masks inside of retail stores and we dine 10 feet apart from each other in restaurants, but how can we be confident that our homes are similarly equipped to disarm the virus? 

The Aerus Pure & Clean with ActivePure Technology has been proven to reduce airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus by 99.9% in a matter of three minutes. This technology, installed as part of your HVAC system or inside the company’s portable air purification units, works to reduce the pathogens found in indoor settings, and can even be used to eliminate the virus from your home’s air while you’re sitting in the room. These air filtration systems are not new, but recent upgrades are now becoming available in residential spaces to prevent indoor contamination.  

How it works: 

Traditional filtration-based air purifiers work passively to suck in unclean air and push it back out into the room once it’s been removed of its contaminants. ActivePure instead works on the offensive front, quickly filling your room with safe, virus-neutralizing particles that are designed to identify and destroy the virus components. This process has been proven to be more effective, and also reduces the probability that the virus can reach your home’s furniture or other surfaces. The same purification method has been used before to eradicate other viruses, mold, and bacteria. 

Safe and reliable: 

Research for the Aerus Pure & Clean with ActivePure Technology has been conducted in some of the nation’s top biosafety laboratories that study the world’s deadliest pathogens. It has also been approved through FDA-compliant military lab tests, where the COVID-19 virus was sprayed into a room in high concentrations and was rapidly eliminated. ActivePure even uses NASA-inspired technology to disinfect your home’s air. These units are CDC approved and complement other typical safety practices, such as sanitizing regularly. 

In your home: 

We know that having fresh, clean air inside of your homes is always a priority, but this has now become even more necessary during the pandemic. When you or your guests enter your home from outside, or if you bring in a package that arrived at the front door, there’s clearly no way for you to physically identify the virus. Not only will the air being pumped throughout your home from the HVAC system be actively combating the virus living in the room, but the ActivePure technology also surrounds you and your guests with protective, virus-inactivating air. We spend the majority of our time now (and throughout quarantine) inside of our homes. Unpurified or infected air particles can have very real negative effects on our health. 

Have a question about Aerus Pure & Clean with ActivePure Technology and how to make your home safer from viruses in the air? Our experts at Clay’s Climate Control can provide you with all the information you’re looking for. Call us today at 609-916-1106 to schedule an installation of the ActivePure Technology in your HVAC now!