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hvac maintenance

6 Reasons to Invest In an HVAC Maintenance Plan

hvac maintenanceHere in South Jersey, there’s only a small window of time when the weather is perfect enough so you can open the windows and turn off your HVAC system. Any other time, having a working HVAC system is crucial if you want your home to be at a comfortable temperature. However, heating and air conditioning systems can sometimes malfunction and lead to expensive repairs. To avoid the troubles of waiting for HVAC service or constantly paying expensive maintenance costs, we recommend investing in an HVAC maintenance plan. Let’s take a look at all of the benefits that come with signing up for a plan like this. 

  1. Discounts

Who doesn’t love a good discount? With an HVAC maintenance plan, members have the exclusive benefit of receiving a price reduction for parts and labor if repairs are needed. You’ll never have to worry about whether or not you can afford HVAC service again!

  1. Utility Bill Savings

Getting a discount on your repair costs isn’t the only savings you can enjoy with an HVAC maintenance plan. Because your HVAC system will be working as efficiently as possible thanks to regular maintenance, you can also enjoy utility bill savings

  1. Priority Service

When you need an HVAC service or repair, you need it right then and there. Living in a freezing cold or unbearably hot house is no fun, even if it’s just for one day. With an HVAC maintenance plan, your service calls are a priority. That means no more waiting around for a technician to save the day! 

  1. Increased HVAC System Lifespan

The average lifespan of an HVAC system exposed to the salty air in South Jersey is around 10 to 15 years. Of course, this is only possible with the proper maintenance. If you don’t provide your HVAC system with the care it needs, its lifespan can be cut in half. That’s why it is advisable to invest in a HVAC maintenance plan. 

  1. Reduced or Eliminated Health Risks

You might blame those sniffles on seasonal allergies, but did you know an HVAC system that is not maintained properly can affect your health? For example, dirty fan motors can circulate air throughout your home that is filled with dirt and dust. This can lead you to suffer from allergies, sinus infections, and other respiratory issues. 

  1. Peace of Mind

Last but certainly not least, the HVAC service that comes with a maintenance plan will bring you well-needed peace of mind. When you know that your HVAC system is running properly and bringing you the best temperature control and air quality, you can sleep comfortably at night. 

The HVAC Maintenance Plan For You

If the above benefits have piqued your interest in investing in your own HVAC maintenance plan, then you’ll want to hear about the 3C Maintenance Plan at Clay’s Climate Control. The three C’s in our plan name stand for Certified, Comprehensive, and Confidence, which accurately describe the service you will receive when you sign up. With the 3C Maintenance Plan from Clay’s Climate Control, you and your family can enjoy:

  • Peace of mind
  • Savings on your utility bills
  • A thorough cleaning and inspection of your heating and/or cooling system each year
  • Priority scheduling
  • 12% price reduction for all parts and labor if repairs are needed
  • Reduced service charges during normal hours, overtime hours, and holidays
  • $50 Clay’s Cash with each renewal, which can be accumulated over the years (Only to be used toward equipment replacement or indoor quality products at agreement location. Cannot be used for repairs/refrigerant cost. Limitations may apply.)
  • A more efficient, economical, and dependable system for years to come
  • Double the lifespan of the average residential system
  • Reduced or even eliminated health risks

Sign up today to join Clay’s Climate Control’s 3C Maintenance Plan and receive the best maintenance from the HVAC service experts of South Jersey!