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Questions to Ask Before Buying a Generator

questions to ask about generatorsSo, you’re interested in buying a backup generator for your house? The convenience of having a generator to power our homes when the electricity goes out is something that has crossed all of our minds. After all, the average electricity customer in the United States experiences almost eight hours of power interruptions a year. However, before you start the hunt for a generator, allow our experts to tell you what questions to ask. 

What Generator is Best for Me?

There are two generators that most energy consumers choose from: a home standby generator and a portable power generator. Home standby generators are permanently installed in one spot and automatically start working when a power outage occurs. This particular generator is a bit more expensive than its counterpart, but users can enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that their automatic power brings. In comparison, a portable power generator is typically smaller in size and does not start automatically. While they do cost less and can be taken anywhere, this type of generator runs on gas or diesel fuel. This means that you will always need extra fuel on hand in case a power outage happens.

Which Fuel Should I Use?

It’s important to take fuel type into account before purchasing a generator. The most commonly used fuel types for generators are natural gas, diesel, and propane. Natural gas is a great option, as it is provided by local utility companies. However, this means that it is subject to high prices and reliance issues if you don’t live near a local utility company. Another option for fuel is diesel. While diesel is less flammable, the pricing often fluctuates and it has a short lifespan. That leaves us with the last fuel type, propane. Propane is the most popular fuel for generators, as it has great heating efficiency and zero greenhouse gas emissions. 

What Size Should I Get?

When choosing the size of your generator, you should consider how much energy you use in your home. If your energy usage is on the lighter side, then a portable generator will work for you. If you typically use more energy than the average homeowner, then go with a larger standby generator.

What About Warranties?

Buying a generator is a big investment. When you’re on the market for a backup generator for your house, a good warranty should always be a top priority. While most generators come with a standard warranty of one to five years, there are sometimes options available for extended warranties. 

Now What?

Now that you know all of the right questions to ask when purchasing a generator, you’re probably ready to start looking! If a standby generator is looking like the perfect fit for you and your home, then allow us to tell you about the Automatic Standby Generator from Clay’s Climate Control. Within seconds, the Honeywell Automatic Standby Generator will kick in when the power goes out and will keep running until power is restored. They can even be hooked up right to your gas line, no additional fuel is needed! Your generator will also come with a five-year parts warranty to give you peace of mind. If you’re interested in an Automatic Standby Generator for your home, then contact our team today to receive your free estimate!

indoor air quality

What Happens When You Forget to Change Your Air Filter?

forget to change air filter

For many of us, procrastination and forgetfulness are just part of our daily lives. From forgetting to buy milk at the grocery store to putting off scheduling that dentist appointment, forgetting things is what makes us human. However, when it comes to some tasks, like changing your air filter, forgetfulness can lead to some negative consequences. Once you find out what happens when you forget to change your air filter, you’ll never put it off again. Let’s take a look.

Indoor Air Pollution Accumulation

After just 10 days of not changing your air filter after the recommended time, your indoor air pollution will begin to increase. You will start to notice an accumulation of dust in your home, as it is now recirculating through your air filter. After 20 days, your air filter will usually be clogged. Allergy and asthma sufferers will begin to notice an increase in their symptoms, like sneezing and coughing. At this point, your heating and cooling system will begin to suffer as well.

Double the Work

When you fail to change your air filter, your HVAC system will have to work twice as hard to keep your home at an ideal temperature. Because clean air is not able to pass through your filter, some areas in your home may become covered in dust. After a month or so, expect your indoor air quality to be at an all-time low. 

HVAC System Breakdown

Once you pass the two-month mark of not changing your air filter at the recommended time, your HVAC system has a high probability of overheating or breaking completely. By a miracle, if your system is still running at this point, you will start to notice a huge jump in your electricity bill. If you didn’t notice that your air filter needed to be replaced before, the amount you owe your energy company will surely help you figure it out. Along with dealing with high costs, you will also have to deal with an extremely cold or hot home, depending on the season. 

Never Forget Your Air Filter Again

Now that you know what could happen if you forget to change your air filter, this simple task should be a top priority for you every month. Your reminder to “change air filter” will not only improve the air quality of your home, but will also keep your HVAC system running smoothly, and decrease the chance of an expensive repair bill. If you’re wondering how to improve indoor air quality even further, then Clay’s Climate Control has the solutions for you! 

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

At Clay’s Climate Control, we specialize in innovative indoor air quality solutions to keep you and your family healthy. If you want cleaner, healthier indoor air, we can help supply and install the latest air filtration systems, air decontaminating UV lamps, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers. Take a step in the right direction for your family’s health and contact Clay’s Climate Control today!