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Basic HVAC Questions for Homeowners

hvac questions for homeownersThe world of HVAC can be a bit confusing for homeowners. With words like evaporator coil and reciprocating compressor, how could you blame yourself? Understanding the basics of HVAC can greatly benefit you as a homeowner in many ways, from lower utility bills to a more comfortable home. To help you increase your HVAC knowledge, we collected a few of the most common HVAC questions and let our experts answer them. Keep reading for the ultimate HVAC Q and A!

Q: How can I make my HVAC system more efficient?

A: There are several ways to increase the efficiency of your HVAC system. On your own, you can maintain your system by regularly replacing your air filters, closing the blinds, and adjusting your thermostat. Regular HVAC system maintenance by a professional HVAC technician can prolong the life of your system, prevent the need for repairs, and make it more efficient.

Q: Why does the cost of my energy bill go up and down?

If you’ve noticed that there are large fluctuations in your energy bill but do not change the temperature of your thermostat, then you’re probably confused. These fluctuations are caused by changes in the weather. While you might not be adjusting your thermostat, your thermostat is continuously adjusting to the weather outside.

Q: Why is one room in my house warmer or colder than the others?

A: There are a few explanations as to why this could occur. One reason is that you might have furniture blocking your air vents, preventing heat or air conditioning from dispersing through that room. Another reason is that there could be a kink or leak in your ductwork, which makes your system struggle to move air along. Other reasons include improper unit size, open windows, closed doors, and more.

Q: Will adjusting my thermostat lower my energy bill?

A: The answer is yes, you can save money by adjusting your thermostat! The U.S. Department of Energy found that you can save as much as 10 percent per year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°F to 10°F for eight hours a day from its normal setting.

Q: How often should I replace my air filters?

A: The frequency that you change your air filters depends on your unit and lifestyle. It’s recommended that you change your air filters at least once every six months, depending on the type and size of your air filter. Other factors, like having pets, give reason to changing your air filter more frequently.

Q: Who can I turn to for expert HVAC services in South Jersey?

A: Clay’s Climate Control is your go-to residential HVAC contractor for all of the HVAC issues that require a professional! From HVAC system maintenance to heating and air conditioning repairs, our technicians have you covered. When you choose Clay’s Climate Control for your services, we will gladly answer any questions you may have to help you get a better understanding of your system. Contact us today to schedule your service or to learn more about our services!

HVAC hvac maintenance

Your Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Home for Spring

preparing hvac for springAs the transition from winter to spring begins, so does the switch from heating to air conditioning! To keep you cool and comfortable during the spring season, it’s important to clean and check your air conditioning unit for any debris and potential issues. Our experts have compiled a list of HVAC maintenance steps to take before the heat is in full effect. 

Clean Off All Dirt and Debris

Over the winter, your outdoor condenser unit has likely collected a good amount of dirt and debris. Leaves, branches, and other debris can prevent your HVAC unit from running at peak efficiency, increasing your energy bill and decreasing your comfortability. Start your HVAC spring cleaning by removing any dirt and debris inside and around your unit. Smaller debris, like dust and dirt, can be removed by using a vacuum cleaner. 

Clean the Drainage Hole

While removing the debris from your unit, don’t forget to clean the drainage hole. The drainage hole is responsible for removing excess moisture. If it becomes clogged and moisture cannot be expelled, damage can occur and you run the risk of a complete unit malfunction. Your drainage hole can be cleaned by using a small wire to remove any blockage. If you’re having trouble accessing the drainage hole, professionals from Clay’s Climate Control can help you with this step during an air conditioning service.

Replace Your Air Filter

Now that the manual cleaning steps are complete, you can move on to the next step in the spring HVAC maintenance process! While checking and replacing your air filter is one of the more straightforward steps, it should most certainly not be skipped. Your air filter is responsible for preventing debris and harmful air particles from entering your home. When you fail to replace your air filter at least once every six months (depending on the type and size), it can force your unit to work harder, increasing your monthly bills and leading to poor indoor air quality.

Test Run Your HVAC Unit

Finish off your spring cleaning by simply turning your air conditioner on. Giving your unit a test run can help you resolve any issues before the weather gets too warm. As your air conditioner whirs to life, keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. If something doesn’t seem right when you’re testing your unit, schedule an air conditioning service with Clay’s Climate Control.

Schedule an HVAC Tune-up

You’ve finally reached the last step in your HVAC prep! After you complete the maintenance steps above, it’s time to schedule your HVAC tune-up with the air conditioning experts at Clay’s Climate Control. Having an HVAC tune-up performed during the spring can ensure that any potential issues are addressed and repaired before you’re stuck without air conditioning on a sweltering hot day. Our technicians at Clay’s Climate Control are here to get your system ready for spring and all that it has to bring. Contact us today on our website to schedule your tune-up or call us at (609) 916-1106.