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Reduce Airborne COVID-19 By 99.9% in Only 3 Minutes

airborne COVID-19Businesses and restaurants around the country are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that the cleanliness and safety of their locations are fit to combat the spread of COVID-19. We wear our masks inside of retail stores and we dine 10 feet apart from each other in restaurants, but how can we be confident that our homes are similarly equipped to disarm the virus? 

The Aerus Pure & Clean with ActivePure Technology has been proven to reduce airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus by 99.9% in a matter of three minutes. This technology, installed as part of your HVAC system or inside the company’s portable air purification units, works to reduce the pathogens found in indoor settings, and can even be used to eliminate the virus from your home’s air while you’re sitting in the room. These air filtration systems are not new, but recent upgrades are now becoming available in residential spaces to prevent indoor contamination.  

How it works: 

Traditional filtration-based air purifiers work passively to suck in unclean air and push it back out into the room once it’s been removed of its contaminants. ActivePure instead works on the offensive front, quickly filling your room with safe, virus-neutralizing particles that are designed to identify and destroy the virus components. This process has been proven to be more effective, and also reduces the probability that the virus can reach your home’s furniture or other surfaces. The same purification method has been used before to eradicate other viruses, mold, and bacteria. 

Safe and reliable: 

Research for the Aerus Pure & Clean with ActivePure Technology has been conducted in some of the nation’s top biosafety laboratories that study the world’s deadliest pathogens. It has also been approved through FDA-compliant military lab tests, where the COVID-19 virus was sprayed into a room in high concentrations and was rapidly eliminated. ActivePure even uses NASA-inspired technology to disinfect your home’s air. These units are CDC approved and complement other typical safety practices, such as sanitizing regularly. 

In your home: 

We know that having fresh, clean air inside of your homes is always a priority, but this has now become even more necessary during the pandemic. When you or your guests enter your home from outside, or if you bring in a package that arrived at the front door, there’s clearly no way for you to physically identify the virus. Not only will the air being pumped throughout your home from the HVAC system be actively combating the virus living in the room, but the ActivePure technology also surrounds you and your guests with protective, virus-inactivating air. We spend the majority of our time now (and throughout quarantine) inside of our homes. Unpurified or infected air particles can have very real negative effects on our health. 

Have a question about Aerus Pure & Clean with ActivePure Technology and how to make your home safer from viruses in the air? Our experts at Clay’s Climate Control can provide you with all the information you’re looking for. Call us today at 609-916-1106 to schedule an installation of the ActivePure Technology in your HVAC now! 


Why Changing Your Furnace Air Filter Is A Must

changing air furnace filterWhen it comes to home maintenance, one of the most important things you can do is to pay careful attention to your air filter replacement status of your furnace. Air filters do exactly that, they filter air through your furnace, grabbing unwanted dust, hair, mold spores, lint, and debris so that you are not breathing those elements in. Homeowners should be switching out old filters that become clogged with these elements at least every quarter, sometimes more in the months that you are using your heating unit more often.

Have you ever thought about how often you need to change your furnace air filter? Allow us to guide you on exactly how to best take care of your furnace this winter. 

There are so many reasons why it’s important to consistently change your furnace air filter. Check out the top reasons below: 

Keep Your Furnace Working Efficiently: The cleaner your air filter is, the easier it will be for your furnace to push out air. When the air filter gets filled up with debris, it can cause negative effects including overheating or freezing up. Additionally, a dirty air filter can lead to buildups in your ductwork that can make the system malfunction. Most notably is the effect it can have on the air quality in your home. It has been proven that indoor air quality is much worse than outdoors. By maintaining consistent air filter replacements, you can significantly improve the quality of your air in your home.

Save Money: If you keep your air filters changed out on a regular basis, you could end up saving a great deal of money in the long run. Clean air filters allow your furnace to run smoothly and efficiently. If they have to work harder due to clogging, issues can start to occur that can lead to parts being broken within the furnace in addition to the system having to work harder, thus using more electricity which will cause your monthly bill to increase. 

Prolonged Lifespan: Just like most things in life, the more you take care of your furnace, the longer it will last. These systems can be costly. Maintaining proper care for them can significantly increase the amount of use you can get out of them. A well-cared-for furnace should last between 20-25 years. 

Fewer Breakdowns: When your furnace has a clean filter, it can work at optimum efficiency as we established earlier. This will enable the system to work without any hiccups. If there is buildup from lack of a clean filter, the system may experience certain problems such as breaking of parts, which can lead to the system breaking down. Make sure this doesn’t happen by changing that filter regularly! 

When it comes to air filter replacement, you can rely on Clay’s Climate Control! We have all of the materials needed to make sure you have clean air flowing into your home. Give us a call today at 609-916-1106 to schedule a furnace maintenance appointment to make sure your furnace is producing healthy air this winter!

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Recommended Thermostat Settings For Fall That Are Cost-Effective

what to set your thermostat at to save money A great way to save money is to look at your utility bill for ways that you can cut costs. Simply paying more attention to your energy usage can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year. Have you ever thought, what temperature should I set my thermostat to for efficiency? This is a common question that we will examine below.


Thermostat Settings to Save Money

According to the US Department of Energy, the answer to the question, what temperature should I set my thermostat to is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the optimal home temperature during the Fall and Winter months in areas that experience colder temperatures. It is recommended that you keep your home at this temperature during the day, when you may be away, and when you are sleeping. It may seem a bit colder than if you were to set it up into the 70’s, but when you are home you are more likely to be active which generates your own body heat and you have the ability to layer up a bit. 


The reason this is said to be the optimal temperature is that it doesn’t put stress on your heating system. Your system has to work harder, the farther it gets from the temperature outside. This is something to really keep in mind for all times of the year. The more strain you put on the system, the harder it has to work. By keeping it at a temperature that is comfortable for you to be in while not too far away from the outdoor temperature will be money back in your pocket in the end. By decreasing your temperature by about 10 degrees, you could actually save 15-20% on your utility bills each year.

Consider A Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are a great way to control the temperature settings in your home. The best thing about them is that they help you stay on track with the temperature settings that you aim to be at to remain comfortable, but also save on your utility bills. They are also great because they can be programmed to lower or increase the temperature at certain times of the day. For example, if you’re out of the home at work during the day, you can program your thermostat to increase the temperature at a time that will be close to your arrival at home so that you come home to your optimal temperature without waiting for the house to warm up if it was set at a lower temperature during the day.


Believe it or not, the location of your thermostat can have just as much of an effect as the thermostat settings to save money. The location of the thermostat affects how it performs, which ultimately affects its efficiency. It should be placed in an area where the natural airflow of the house occurs and is not near a window, exterior door, or direct sunlight. It shouldn’t even really be next to or above furniture as this can affect the airflow.


As the #1 Nationwide Residential HVAC Contractor of the Year, you can rely on Clay’s Climate Control for the most reliable recommended thermostat settings for Fall to cut down your utility costs. In need of a thermostat installation? Our professional, nationally certified technicians are here to answer the call!  Contact us to schedule an appointment today!

Have you heard about our 3C Club Maintenance Plan? This plan was created to offer our superior services at a discount to our most loyal customers. We offer easy online booking and a convenient customer experience.


The Truth About The Dangers Of Indoor Air Pollution

the dangers of indoor air pollutionThe dangers of indoor air pollution are real and it’s not just because we are living through a pandemic. We often think of air pollution as an outdoor issue. The truth is, more people die each year from the effects of indoor air pollution, 600,000 more people in fact. 4.3 million people die each year from causes that lead back to indoor air contaminants. This is not surprising when you think about the fact that Americans spend 90% of their time indoors. We’ll explain examples of indoor air pollution, where these contaminants come from, and how you can reduce the risk of indoor air pollution in your home below.  


Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the top five sources of indoor air pollution issues originate from dust particles, combustion products, bacteria, viruses, moisture excess, radon, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These sources that come from inside the home all affect air quality in a negative way. 


Examples of Indoor Air Pollution

Dust: solid particles in the air that come from various sources including dead skin cells. When a homeowner does not change their HVAC filters, dust can build which can lead to poor ventilation. 

Combustion products: gas-powered appliances such as water heaters, dryers and furnaces are all combustion products. Ventilation is key to stop toxic combustion products like CO2 to get into the home. If CO2 is inhaled, it could be fatal. 

Moisture: moisture can lead to issues such as mold and mildew. When breathed in, these moisture-related issues can lead to shortness of breath and other allergies. Radon: this radioactive gas is under the home’s surface and is not visible. Radon can cause lung cancer and other serious health issues. If radon is found within the home, it must be remediated immediately. 

VOCs: Synthetic materials have become more and more common in materials used within the home over the past few decades. You would probably be surprised to know all of the products you purchase that have harmful synthetic materials. The byproducts that are released into the air from some of these materials can be harmful and lead to issues that range in seriousness from headaches to permanent damage to the central nervous system. 


Indoor Air Pollution Solutions

People that are more at risk for issues related to indoor air pollution are segments of the population that tend to be home more such as mothers and children, as well as senior citizens. Luckily, there are relatively simple solutions that can be enacted to protect you and your family from the harmful effects of indoor air pollution.


The first is ventilation. Regular service from your preferred HVAC company to make sure that your systems are running well and efficiently combined with regular filter changes can greatly reduce poor ventilation in your home. 


Another solution is how you use combustion products. Make sure that the combustion products in your home are being used correctly and that they are running well. Also, it is important to be aware of combustion products in close proximity to your home such as a car in the garage. If your car is on in the garage, make sure that there is sufficient ventilation. 


Finally, make sure your home has been inspected for radon. You can also purchase a radon detector if it’s been a while since you purchased your home. 

As the #1 Nationwide Residential HVAC Contractor of the Year, We take air quality very seriously at Clay’s Climate Control. Our skilled technicians know how to detect poor air quality and offer indoor air quality solutions if needed. We suggest regular HVAC maintenance which is made simple by our 3C Club Maintenance Plan. We offer easy online booking and a convenient customer experience. Contact us to schedule a visit from one of our professional, nationally certified technicians today!

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How To Save Money On Utilities

how to save money on utilitiesIf you’re a homeowner you know the costs of running air conditioning, heating, home appliances and lights can add up. In fact, your heating and cooling system can add up to half of your monthly utility bill! What you may not know is that you can cut down on costs if you started monitoring your use.


Here are a few simple ways to start creating energy savings in your home today:


Study Your Energy Bill

The most important place to begin your energy savings is to read your monthly electric bill.  Look for the amount of kilowatts you are using and check to make sure it correlates correctly to the charge. Simply looking at your bill more closely can make you more aware of your usage and may help to remind yourself to lower your usage when possible.  


Request An Audit

Did you know that you are welcome to request an audit from your local utility company? Many companies offer this service free of charge and will send a professional to your home to look at your overall energy use and where you may be able to save. This is the most efficient and easy way to improve your energy savings.


Look Into Smart Appliances 

Smart appliances are built to preserve energy which can have a direct impact on your monthly bill. There are many options in today’s market for energy efficient appliances. You will be happy when you look at your next energy bill and the planet will thank you. Everybody wins!


Window Coverings

This is something that many people often don’t think about, but could have a large impact on your bill. You can help your heating or cooling system to not work as hard depending on the time of year by adding window coverings to either keep the cold air out in the winter or shut out the sun while you’re not home in the warm summer months. When it’s a bright sunny day in the winter you can use the natural sunlight to warm up a space by pulling the window coverings open. You will still of course need your heating and cooling systems, but this simple trick can make them work less hard, thus using less energy in the process and save you money in the long run.


Simple tasks can easily help you cut back on energy bills. To learn more about how you can cut costs on your own heating and cooling systems, visit our website and use our Energy Savings Calculator to determine your home’s usage today! 

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This or That — HVAC Edition: Here’s the Difference Between an Air Purifier and Air Scrubber

The quality of the air we breathe has been important for years, but because many of us are spending more time at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, our home’s indoor air quality is more important than ever. Although both an air purifier and air scrubber can provide clean air, just like other HVAC equipment, knowing how they’re different and figuring out which is best for YOUR home is key. The clean air experts at Clay’s Climate Control are here to break down the difference between an air purifier and air scrubber, so you can make the best choice for you and your home!

What an Air Purifier Is

Air purifiers are devices that provide clean air by removing dust, pollen, allergens, and other contaminants from the air. Because an air purifier is equipped with ionization capabilities and a fiber filter that’s electrically charged, these devices capture polluted air, kill the contaminants in it and then release clean air into your home. Having a whole-house air purifier installed into the ductwork in your home is an easy way to improve your home’s indoor air quality. Stop breathing in contaminants — which can cause a variety of health issues, such as coughing, congestion, nose bleeds, headaches, and dry eyes — and start breathing in clean, healthy air!

What an Air Scrubber Is

Similar to air purifiers, air scrubbers also have an ion feature and they are also installed into a home’s ductwork. However, air scrubbers provide clean air differently. Air scrubbers constantly put out negative ions, and as air moves through ductwork, these negatives ions detect contaminants in the air — which are positive ions — and combine with them, forming a heavy particle that is unable to float. When the air turns on again, these heavy particles will blow through the ductwork and get captured in your air filters, leaving your home with better indoor air quality.

How to Know If Your Home Needs an Air Purifier or an Air Scrubber

If you’re looking to change your home’s indoor air quality standards, both an air purifier and air scrubber can help you do so. In fact, both of these devices will improve indoor air quality because they are able to remove up to 99% of air pollutants. Homeowners who like the idea of a device capturing contaminated air inside of itself and producing clean air should go with an air purifier. However, it’s important to note that air purifiers require maintenance, so expect to change its filters every few months. Homeowners who prefer minimal maintenance and would like both their air AND their surfaces clean should opt for an air scrubber. Just remember that air scrubbers do not clean the air within their device but instead clean the air in your space, so just make sure everyone in your home is comfortable with that.

Knowing the difference between an air purifier and air scrubber is the first step in improving your home’s indoor air quality! Once you’ve determined which one you’d prefer, the next step is to contact the service experts of south Jersey — Clay’s Climate Control! Contact us today to schedule an installation with our team today.


Clay’s Climate Control Has Been Named Contractor of the Year

Contractor of the year

Clay’s Climate Control —  that has been serving southern New Jersey since 2001 — was named the 2020 Residential Contractor of the Year by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). This national award — which is given two only two contractors (one for residential, one for commercial) every year — is highly sought after by contractors throughout the country. 

Prior to choosing the Contractor of the Year, a panel of ACCA Past Chairmen determines a group of finalists. This year’s judges were Tony Shaker of Enfinity Partners, Larry Taylor of Taylor Consulting, Greg Leisgang of JonLe Heating & Cooling, Richard Dean of Environmental Systems Associates, Inc., and Stan Johnson from Stan’s Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Contractors who are considered for this award must meet the ACCA’s criteria, which includes:

  • Delivering excellence 
  • Administering superior heating and air conditioning services 
  • Composing a team of credentialed and well-trained HVAC technicians 
  • Offering friendly, reliable and helpful customer services 
  • Making HVAC services easier for homeowners via a high-quality maintenance plan
  • Being committed to making it easy for customers to do business via technology (IE online booking and a booking app)

Since its inception in 2001, Clay’s Climate Control has been going above and beyond for all of its customers. From the beginning, the owners of Clay’s Climate Control — Clay and Jen Pierce — set out to provide a professional, stress-free experience for HVAC repairs, maintenance or installation. In order to achieve this, their technicians are all NATE and EPA-certified, and they offer 24/7 emergency service, a maintenance plan to make services more affordable, a referral reward payback program and a mobile app that takes the stress out of HVAC services. Now, with the title of Contractor of the Year added to their repertoire, it is safe to say that all of their hard work has been recognized.  

“We are so humbled and honored to receive this award,” said Jen Pierce, adding, “it‘s crazy to think that it was just me and Clay when we started our business 19 years ago. Although we started from scratch with not much business knowledge, the ACCA provided us with resources and tools that taught us the business side, ultimately helping us recognize our untapped potential. Plus, we knew we had a ton of technical knowledge that would enable us to turn our vision into a reality.”

Jen went on to explain this vision, which centered around providing the highest quality of work and changing people’s expectations about the home services industry. “Over the years, we have been fortunate enough to grow and be surrounded by co-workers who have the same vision. If it weren’t for them, we would not have the company we have today, and we thank them for being by our side and sharing this achievement with us.” 

As a family-owned and operated company, Clay and Jen have also made it a priority to support their community, which is why they have been supporting the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association for years. In 2019 alone, Clay’s donated $10,000 to this organization. Additionally, Clay’s is also committed to making local high school students aware of all of the amazing opportunities that are available to them in the trades through a New Jersey Structured Learning Experience at Mainland High School.

In addition to supporting their community, Clay and Jen also recognize that they would not be where they are today without their amazing team. Not only has the Pierce family created a healthy and supportive work environment, but they have also pledged to create 50 new opportunities over the next five years — this pledge involves educating, training and reskilling American workers from high school age to near retirement. 

Being able to add the Residential Contractor of the Year award to their portfolio is a dream come true for Clay’s Climate Control, and they look forward to delivering excellence and living up to this title for years to come.

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Put Your (AC) Service to the Test: 3 HVAC Tips to Make Your Guests Comfortable This Summer

Keeping Guest's Comfortable

You may not be hosting as many get-togethers as you normally do during the summer, but chances are you’re still having small and responsible socially distanced gatherings. While most of your gatherings will probably be outside, your guests are going to want to escape the heat every now and then, and the only way to do that is to have an HVAC system that’s ready for duty. 

So whether you’re having small gatherings or you’re just staying in with family, the HVAC service experts at Clay’s Climate Control are here with 3 HVAC tips to make your guests comfortable this summer, so you can keep cool and party on!

Keep Calm and Maintenance On

When an air conditioning unit hasn’t been frequently used during the cooler months, it’s important to schedule an air conditioner maintenance appointment before using it full time during the hotter months. By doing this, you will ensure that it’s up for the job of keeping you and all of your guests feeling cool. To make your life easier, schedule your air conditioner maintenance appointment with an HVAC company that offers a maintenance plan. This way, you can easily and affordably keep your air conditioning unit properly maintained. 

Be Cool — Just Service Your Thermostat

Just like HVAC repair services are important, so are thermostat services! If your thermostat hasn’t been serviced in a while, it can result in misreadings, efficiency issues and overconsumption of energy (jacking up your monthly utility bills). Luckily, this can all be avoided by simply calling an HVAC expert and having them service your thermostat. Once your thermostat is good to go, you’ll be happy with how easy it is to keep your home cool. Plus, your air conditioning unit won’t have to work unnecessarily hard, meaning it won’t experience unnecessary wear and tear. 

Chill Out and Consider Upgrading Your AC Unit

Over time, air conditioning units become less efficient due to age and a lack of modern technology. If your unit is between 10 or 15 years old — and you’re finding that you’re scheduling more and more air conditioner repair appointments — you may be better off replacing it. Because today’s units are significantly more efficient, a new unit will be able to keep your home comfortable without having to waste energy — and this isn’t just better for your wallet and comfort levels, but it’s also better for the environment. So stop wasting money on air conditioner repairs and start being confident that your air conditioning system can keep you, your home and your guests comfortable all summer long!

Whether you’re looking to replace your air conditioning unit, maintain your current unit or install a new thermostat, the service experts at Clay’s Climate Control are just a call away! Contact us today to make sure your home’s temperature will make your guests comfortable this summer…and you!

blog efficiency HVAC

Go Green or Go Home: 4 Tips to Make Your HVAC System More Efficient

“datePublished”: “2020-05-12”

hvac system more efficient
Making your South Jersey HVAC system more efficient

This week marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and if this eco-friendly holiday got you thinking about ways YOU can improve the earth, making your HVAC system more efficient is a great place to start! The HVAC experts at Clay’s Climate Control are here with tips to help you accomplish this, so you can get a green — oops, we mean gold — star for having a home that’s more eco-friendly and energy efficient!

Schedule Consistent HVAC Tune-Ups to Enhance Efficiency 

Overtime, an HVAC system can get worn down, and when this happens, it becomes less efficient and has to work harder to produce energy. This means that your HVAC equipment is wasting energy, which can impact the environment AND your wallet. Fortunately, scheduling an HVAC tune-up is an easy way to improve this! It’s also important to note that if you haven’t been changing your system’s air filters on a routine basis, you should request an air filter replacement when you schedule your HVAC tune-up appointment.

Install a Programmable Thermostat to Be More Green 

Sometimes you need to spend a little green to be more green, and when it comes to investing in a programmable thermostat, you’ll quickly see — and feel — how worth it this is! When your home is equipped with a programmable thermostat, you can set it to your habits, meaning it will automatically change to the temperature you want when you’re home and when you’re not. Investing in this new technology will mean you’ll be wasting less heating and cooling energy, and the environment — and your monthly utility bill — will reap the benefits. 

Become More Eco-Friendly By Replacing Your HVAC System 

Just as HVAC systems lose their efficiency overtime due to lack of maintenance (IE HVAC tune-ups!), they often hit an age where an HVAC replacement is more beneficial (and eco-friendly!) than HVAC maintenance. If you’re finding that you’re constantly having to bring in an HVAC expert to service your HVAC system, this is the time when you may want to consider an HVAC replacement. By doing this, you’ll save money in the long run. Plus, the HVAC systems these days are typically more efficient than the ones from 15 years ago (which is most likely when yours is from!), so you’ll get a newer, more efficient system, which will be easier on the environment and your bank account. 

Inspect Ductwork to Help Make Your Home More Efficient  

Whether your ductwork hasn’t been inspected in awhile or it’s getting up there in age, if it’s cracked or damaged in areas, the air that’s being produced will leak through, which will waste energy, increase utility bills and decrease comfort levels in your home. To avoid this, you should have your ductwork inspected as soon as possible. By doing so, you will ensure that your home is not wasting any energy and it is able to achieve a comfortable temperature in every room. If you want to get the most bank for your buck, you may want to opt for a ductless system by Mitsubishi Electric. Not only will this system help you achieve an optimal comfort level in your home, but it will do without breaking the bank. 

Earth Day may have come and gone, but now that you have these four tips to make your HVAC system efficient, you’ll be sure to be even more eco-friendly for the next one! If you need help with an air filter replacement, would like to schedule an HVAC tune-up or are interested in setting up an HVAC replacement appointment, the Clay’s Climate Control team is here to help. Contact us today!

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Warning Signs You Need a New HVAC Unit

A properly maintained heating and air conditioning system will keep your home comfortable for years, but it is inevitable that even with the best care and maintenance eventually, your HVAC unit will need to be replaced. This is especially true for homes in beach towns such as Somers Point, Northfield NJ, and along the Jersey Shore. It can be tough to tell when you are in need of repair work or a brand new system. When in doubt, ask the professionals! We can determine the best next steps for you and, if need be, provide heating & air conditioning installation service.

Here are a few of the warning signs you need a new HVAC system:

Old system: Most homeowners choose to replace their HVAC unit after about 10 to 15 years for a newer, more efficient model. Even if your HVAC unit has been well taken care of during its lifespan, it’s considered good practice and safety to replace your unit every 15-20 years at the most. If your current unit has been running for over 20 years, it is definitely time to replace it.

Difficulty controlling temperature: If you’re finding that it’s harder than ever to keep your home cool this summer, it could mean that your system is in need of repairs, but it could also mean its time to replace your unit if its getting older. One of the first signs of a wearing unit is its inability to run efficiently and effectively keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Rising energy costs: With efficiency in mind, if you’re finding that your energy costs are ever-rising with each passing month, it’s possible it’s due to an inefficient HVAC unit. Cooling costs increase when your system is forced to work harder, but if your system is running at capacity and still not keeping your home cool, it’s likely time to replace your HVAC unit.

Loud noises: Any loud clunking noises are a major indicator that your HVAC unit is on the fritz. Your unit contains many moving parts, so loud noises can mean that these parts aren’t working together properly or are even grinding against each other. This may warrant new parts, but it’s probable the same thing will continue to happen over time if your unit is not replaced.

Safety concerns: Aside from keeping your home comfortable, the most important responsibility of your HVAC unit is to keep you and your family safe in your home. If you have any safety concerns in regards to your HVAC unit, do not hesitate to call a professional to assess for a new unit to be installed. It’s not worth risking your health and well-being by putting a replacement off.

If you believe it’s time to replace your HVAC unit or have questions about HVAC installation, give us a call at (609) 653-2295 or click here to visit our website. We’re here to help!