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Waving Winter Blues Away: 3 Items to Check Off Your HVAC To-Do List For the End of Winter

Winter HVAC MaintenanceBefore the winter weather winds down, it’s time to think about which items you need to check off your HVAC to-do list. If your heating system kept you and your home comfortable all winter, that’s great, but that doesn’t mean that it will be able to work properly and efficiently throughout the warmer months. To help you avoid an increase in utility bills and decrease in comfort during the warmer months, the HVAC experts at Clay’s Climate Control are here with the top 3 HVAC things you should be inspecting right now!

Swap Out Your HVAC Filter

Spring will be here soon, and this change of season makes it the perfect time to change out your HVAC filter. When an air filter gets dirty, it can negatively impact the way that your system is able to perform, causing it to consume more energy and increase your utility bill. In addition to helping your HVAC equipment perform better, doing an air filter replacement will also improve the air quality inside of your home.

Give the Ductwork Some Attention

Just as a clean air filter helps your HVAC system perform better, so does having air ducts that are clean. By having your ductwork cleaned out, you will be ensuring that the air that flows through it more efficiently. So before the warm weather arrives, be sure to check your ductwork for signs of clogging (IE with debris and dust) or damage.

Give Your Thermostat a Once-Over

Over time, the batteries in your thermostat can lose power, and when they do, it makes your thermostat not able to operate the way it needs to. While this may not lead to safety or health issues, this will lead to discomfort issues, because it will reduce the comfort level inside your home. To avoid this, simply change out the batteries with new ones!

Whether you need help inspecting your ductwork, updating your air conditioner condenser or addressing any other HVAC concerns, the team at Clay’s Climate Control will help you check off your HVAC to-do list! Contact us today to schedule an HVAC appointment.


HVAC Prep List for Cold Weather

Winter is quickly approaching, and while we’ve been fortunate to receive some fairly mild fall weather so far, we can expect to see temperatures in Northfield NJ, and along the shore drop soon. Before the cold weather hits, there are many important things to take care of around your home, especially as they pertain to your HVAC system and keeping your home comfortable and warm this winter season. Here is our prep list to ensure that you’ll be ready for the heating season this winter.

  1. Check weatherstripping: In an effort to keep the warm air inside your home and the cold air out, make sure that any weatherstripping around your doors is in good shape. If you notice a draft through the door or chill around the edge, it may be time to invest in new weatherstripping. Weatherstripping can go a long way to helping your system work efficiently and effectively throughout the winter.
  1. Replace air filters: Air filters should be cleaned or replaced during each new season. A new air filter ensures proper air flow throughout your home, which will help your system to pump warm air without too much effort, which can in turn result in energy savings.
  1. Upgrade your thermostat: If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat, it is a great option to consider as we move into winter. A programmable thermostat allows you to control the temperature of your home from anywhere, and can also determine your lifestyle and heating needs once you begin to set it, reducing heating costs while keeping your home at the right temperature for when you’re home, at work, or asleep. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, make sure that you are setting it appropriately when you leave your home or go to bed.
  1. Switch your fans: Fans work well to cool down your home during the spring and summer months, but they can also help to move hot air into the living spaces of your home when their direction is reversed. Since heat rises, reversing the direction of your ceiling fans will help to push the warm air coming from your vents in your direction.
  1. Schedule maintenance and repairs: If you haven’t scheduled annual maintenance for your HVAC system or if you have repairs that need to be made, do not wait until the height of the winter season to call for help. Schedule maintenance with an HVAC professional sooner rather than later to ensure fast service and flexible scheduling.

For more tips on prepping your HVAC system for the winter season, contact Clay’s Climate Control today!