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Benefits of Regular Generator Maintenance

home generatorUsually, there’s no telling when you will actually need your generator, but you will certainly appreciate it when you do. It may seem like an obvious service to keep up with, but the reality is many business and homeowners neglect regular generator maintenance. Installing a generator isn’t enough to ensure sustained operation; you must also maintain it under the supervision of trained professionals. Below, the Clay’s Climate Control team highlights the benefits of regular generator maintenance and why it should be a priority for all homes and businesses.

Helps Identify and Repair Generators Problems Early

Although most generators are built to last, there is a possibility they could experience some issues down the line. When you have a trained professional maintain your generator, they can identify potential problems and repair them before they become major. 

Ensures Proper Functionality 

Regular generator maintenance ensures smooth operation and functionality during an unexpected power outage. During maintenance, your technician will inspect the most critical components, including: 

  • The engine speed
  • The fluid and oil levels
  • Oil filter and air filters
  • The belts, hoses, lines, connectors, and any other accessories
  • The control panel and the engine
  • The cooling system
  • Generator supply connections
  • Battery cables and battery terminals
  • The exhaust system 

Regularly scheduling generator maintenance will ensure your system is running efficiently and safely at all times. 

Increases the Lifespan and Efficiency of Your Generator

Like any system in your home or business, your generator needs to be properly maintained to continue running efficiently. Professional maintenance will help your generator function at peak performance, as well as extend the lifespan. If you don’t make necessary repairs to your generator, it will be more likely to experience issues and malfunction when you need it most. 

Saves You Money

Ignoring maintenance will lead to higher repair costs. In the short term, this will save you a little money, but in the long run, it will cost you more to continually pay for repairs and eventually replace the unit. 

Helps Prevent Fuel Problems

Fueling issues are common with generators, especially if your generator hasn’t been operated in awhile. Without maintenance, you can experience clogs, dead batteries, and algae buildup. When a professional technician services your generator, they ensure fuel levels are checked and the supply is changed, eliminating problems before they occur.  

Automatic Standby Generator Installation by Clay’s Climate Control

From refrigerators to lights, entertainment systems to HVAC units, consistent and reliable electricity is essential in today’s world. However, heavy storms and high winds are common in New Jersey, so power outages are bound to occur. What if we told you you could better protect your home from losing power during these moments? When you invest in an automatic standby generator, you can ensure that your necessities, conveniences, and amenities are available when you need them and backed up when the power goes out. If you’re interested in learning more about generator installation services, connect with Clay’s Climate Control. We offer installation and maintenance of Honeywell and Generac generators. Call today at 609-916-1106 to schedule an appointment.


Common Ductwork Problems People Should Know About

common ductwork problemsYour home’s HVAC system is indispensable; it keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. For the entire system to function efficiently, one of its main components, the ductwork, must be in proper working condition. When something goes wrong, the air ducts are usually overlooked, so homeowners have no clue that a problem exists. If you think something is amiss or have been experiencing issues with your HVAC system, it could be time to check your ductwork. Serious concerns may need to be addressed and diagnosed by an air duct specialist, but for common issues, most homeowners can troubleshoot them on their own. Below we share a few common air duct problems to be aware of.

Dirty Ductwork

Dust, debris, germs, and other contaminants accumulate within your home’s ductwork, so it’s no surprise dirty ducts can cause big problems. Not only do dirty ducts worsen the indoor air quality, but they also obstruct the heated or cooled air from reaching you. Having your ducts routinely inspected and cleaned can help ensure the air you breathe is clean and free of contaminants and keep your HVAC system running efficiently.  


Leaky ductwork is a common problem that most homeowners may not realize they have. Over time, air ducts get old and degrade, developing holes and cracks. Believe it or not, up to 40% of the air that travels through an HVAC system doesn’t make it to the registers because of these holes and cracks. These damages can be repaired, but if you have a large gap or hole, your ducts may need to be replaced. Clay’s air duct repair or inspection services can alleviate these issues and keep your HVAC system running optimally.

Poorly Sealed Registers

Improperly sealed registers at the duct connection can cause various problems. If the duct isn’t fully closed, air can be distributed into areas it’s not intended for, causing your unit to work overtime. It also allows the entry of insects, critters, and debris into your ductwork and home. Improperly sealed ducts impact energy efficiency and affect your unit’s lifespan. 

Inadequate Insulation

Your ductwork should always be sufficiently insulated. Uninsulated ducts let a considerable amount of heat and air escape, which means your unit has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Inefficient Design

Your ductwork should transfer air from one point to another with the least amount of distance and obstructions. Poor design will result in inefficient heating and cooling and high energy costs. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do in this situation except upgrade your system. A ductless system is a good choice and allows homeowners to create “zones” in their homes to save energy and money.  

How the Air Duct Specialists at Clay’s Climate Control Can Help

At Clay’s, we ensure your HVAC system operates effectively, including your ductwork. Our trained technicians come to your home, examine your air ducts, and recommend necessary repairs or upgrades to make your system as efficient as possible. If you’re interested in building a new HVAC system, our team is ready to suggest new technologies, like a ductless system, that might be better for your home. Contact us at 609-916-1106 to schedule your appointment today! 


How to Tell the Severity of a Furnace Problem

broken furnaceSomething no homeowner wants to deal with is a furnace breakdown, especially in the middle of winter. Furnaces generally operate without incident when correctly installed and maintained by a professional heating contractor. But when a problem occurs, you need to know the difference between a simple furnace repair and an emergency. Continue reading to learn more about real issues you can encounter to help you know when to reach out for help from the experienced team at Clay’s Climate Control! 

Electrical Issues

Do you notice flickering lights when your furnace turns on? It’s one of the most apparent indications something is wrong with your wiring. Electrical failures and malfunctions are incredibly dangerous and responsible for over 40,000 homes fires a year, resulting in thousands of injuries and billions of dollars in property damage. Avoid being another statistic and contact a professional immediately to diagnose the problem. 

Strange or Loud Noises

Different types of noises can point to various problems with your furnace: 

  • Pops – Pinging or popping noises aren’t typically a cause for concern and happen when the ducts are expanding and contracting as the system heats and cools, known as thermal expansion. 
  • Rattling – Rattling sounds are a sign of loose panels that could use a tightening. Routine furnace maintenance can eliminate this problem. 
  • Squealing – Squealing noises are caused by belt problems. If the belt connecting your motor to the fan slips or becomes damaged and needs to be replaced, you will hear this telltale noise. 
  • Grinding – Typically, grinding sounds warrant a call from a professional. It’s a sign your motor bearings need to be repaired or replaced. 

HVAC Is Turning On and Off Constantly 

Rapid cycling is caused by a few factors, usually old or dirty air filters. If you replace your air filters and still notice your furnace turning on and off again too quickly, you’ll want to reach out to a reliable HVAC company to eliminate any concerning issues with your blower motor or belts. 

Unpleasant Odors

Foul smells coming from your home should never be ignored, especially if you smell sulfur (a rotten egg smell). These unpleasant odors often indicate a gas leak which can be life-threatening. If you suspect a gas leak, leave home immediately. Don’t touch anything in your home that uses electricity. Get outside and somewhere safe and call for emergency service. You shouldn’t return to your home until the problem is fixed. 

Blowing Cold Air

Obviously, your furnace’s primary job is to heat your home, so when your heat suddenly turns off for no reason, it implies a problem. First, you should check your thermostat to see what the temperature is set at or if the batteries are dead. If that doesn’t fix the problem, check the air filters to see if they are clogged. You can also reset your circuit breaker. Ensure your furnace blower is unobstructed, and look for a visible flashing green light. If the light is red, or there isn’t one, the problem could be with the blower motor, the run capacitor, the furnace control board, or the transformer. Many of these instances can be avoided with regular furnace maintenance

The Best Heating Contractors in South Jersey

As southern Jersey braces for the coldest part of the winter, the last thing you want to worry about is a broken or malfunctioning furnace. At Clay’s, we understand a heating emergency can be stressful, and we’re here to help! If you suspect any of the above issues are happening with your heater, stop what you’re doing and contact our team today. We can help with furnace repairs, boiler repairs, heat pump repairs, and more to ensure you and your family are comfortable this season.


HVAC Tips for People With Pets

petsFurry friends bring many people across the country a significant amount of joy, but the pet hair and dander they produce are a different story. Constant shedding, rubbing, and petting creates an unlimited source of pet hair that can impact your home’s air quality and affect the efficiency of your HVAC system. When their fur and natural dander gets into the air, no amount of vacuuming can fully get it out. Regular HVAC maintenance is essential in keeping your system and air quality in good condition while your pet sheds hair and dander. Below our team shares practical tips to take care of your HVAC system, air quality, and furry friend all at once! 

Clean air conditioning filters often.

Your pet’s hair attaches to more items than your favorite sweater or pants. It floats through the air and into the nearest air vent. Inside the vent, it collects together with dust, dirt, and other debris to form one big hairy mess. When this happens, your HVAC system works harder to provide proper heating and cooling, increasing your monthly energy bill. Frequently changing your air filter at least once a month can extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. 

Groom your pets frequently.

You can save yourself from frequent air conditioning filter changes by grooming and brushing your pet regularly. Brushing your furry companion picks up the hair instead of allowing it to float and circulate through the air. Your pets are more likely to shed during the summer than winter, so take your pup or cat outside, where you can easily clean and dispose of the pet hair. You should also bathe your pet often, which not only keeps them comfortable, but it also helps cut back on the dander and hair that your HVAC system sucks in.

Vacuum and clean your home regularly. 

Pet dander is a major irritant that can severely affect those who suffer from asthma or allergies. Regularly vacuuming and cleaning can help eliminate hair and dander, which will otherwise end up clogging your air filters. Cleaning and vacuuming twice a week can reduce the amount of fur and dander your filter has to handle each month. You can also contact an HVAC contractor who can perform an air duct cleaning service for a more professional cleaning. 

Invest in a programmable thermostat. 

Save money and keep your pets comfortable while you’re away with a programmable thermostat. When you aren’t home, a programmable thermostat allows you to lower, raise, or turn off the temperature settings in your home. Ideal temperatures when you’re away in the summer should be between 75 to 78 degrees and 69 to 72 in the winter to keep costs down and pets comfortable. 

Receive routine HVAC maintenance.

Finally, keep up with routine HVAC maintenance. Your maintenance schedule should include an inspection or tune-up at least once or twice a year. It’s wise to mention you have pets so your technician can make suggestions on how to best take care of your system and protect it from excessive pet hair. 

Get Help From HVAC Contractors You Can Trust

Don’t let pet hair stress out your HVAC system! With these valuable tips, you can keep the fur and dander at bay and enjoy cleaner, healthier air in your home. If you need help improving the air quality at your property, you can trust the indoor air quality experts at Clay’s Climate Control. Contact us at 609-916-1106 to schedule an appointment.


Biggest Mistakes in Heating That Cost You Money

common heating mistakesThe cold weather has arrived here in New Jersey, and for most homeowners, it’s time to turn their residential heating system on and their thermostats up. But, keeping warm during the winter can be costly. In fact, according to Energy Star, heating your home accounts for the largest part of your utility bill, typically about 30%. No matter what type of heating system you have in your house, you can save money and increase your comfort by avoiding these common heating mistakes every homeowner makes. 

Residential Heating Mistakes to Avoid This Season 

These common home heating missteps are often easy fixes but can really add up in the long run if not addressed appropriately. Luckily, taking the steps to optimize your home heating with Clay’s Climate Control can help you save money and mitigate the risk of system repairs and failures. Below we highlight four common errors people make during the wintertime.  

Letting drafts in and warm air out.

Walk over to your front door or sit on the couch next to your windows; do you feel a chilly breeze? Allowing warm air to escape through gaps in your windows and doors puts a significant strain on your heating system. Fortunately, this is one of the easiest mistakes to resolve. Installing draft stoppers, caulking, or weatherproofing around drafty doors and windows seals gaps and blocks cold air and moisture from entering your home. 

Setting the thermostat too high.

Many homeowners believe setting their thermostat to a higher temperature will ensure their home warms up faster. But this is a common mistake and a big winter heating no-no. Regardless of what temperature you set inside your home, it has no reflection on how quickly your home’s temperature will change. Cranking up the thermostat actually increases the wear and tear on your system because it’s working overtime to heat your home. Instead, to keep warm and lower your energy bill, try setting the thermostat at a reasonable temperature and leaving it there.

Closing vents and doors in unused rooms.

It makes sense to close vents and doors in unused rooms, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, doing so puts extra stress on your heating system. Not only that, closing vents in unoccupied rooms can cause circulation problems that lead to expensive repairs. Instead, try slightly closing vents in unused rooms to increase efficiency and ventilation. 

Neglecting HVAC services.

Like most systems and appliances throughout your home, maintenance is essential to ensure everything continues to run smoothly and efficiently. Neglecting critical system maintenance for your home heating system can put a substantial strain on your unit and end up costing you in the long run. When you schedule annual HVAC maintenance, your technician will inspect your system, lubricate moving parts, change your filter, and replace any damaged wiring. Keeping your unit maintained will increase your system’s efficiency and lower your heating bills this season. 

Superior HVAC Services by Clay’s Climate Control 

Avoid a high energy bill each month this winter by avoiding these common mistakes. If you have questions about the efficiency of your current system or need to schedule a heating service or repair, don’t hesitate to contact our team. Our mission is to keep you and your family comfortable all season with expert and affordable HVAC services. Give us a call at 609-916-1106, and we’ll handle it all!


Why You Should Schedule a Furnace Maintenance Appointment

furnace maintenanceA functioning heating system isn’t seen as a luxury until something goes wrong, often in the middle of winter. If you haven’t checked “schedule furnace maintenance” off your to-do list, chances are you will find yourself in this troublesome situation. Skipping this service will not only put your family at risk of enduring chilly temperatures, but it can also be quite costly. Below, the professionals at Clay’s Climate Control share the importance of scheduling a furnace maintenance appointment. 

4 Reasons to Schedule Furnace Maintenance 

Having a reliable way to stay warm throughout the winter is especially important once the temperatures start to drop. To gain peace of mind, consider scheduling preventative maintenance for your heating system. The HVAC contractors at Clay’s have years of experience and knowledge to help with everything from HVAC system repairs to gas conversions and WiFi thermostats to furnace replacements. Continue reading to understand how an HVAC maintenance appointment can benefit your home this season.

Better Performance and Increased Energy Efficiency

A tune-up ensures your furnace is running as efficiently as possible. During your appointment, a technician will clean and inspect the components of your heating system. They will likely check and replace your air filter to ensure your furnace isn’t working overtime. An air filter’s job is to remove pollutants from the air, and when the filter is dirty, it restricts airflow and causes your entire heating system to work harder. Furnace maintenance also corrects other performance issues so you can enjoy proper heating throughout every area of your home.  

Lower Utility Bills

Wear and tear, dirty filters, loose connections, worn belts, and other issues are expected and occur throughout your furnace’s lifespan. All diminish a furnace’s energy efficiency. Without preventative maintenance, your heating system will expend more energy to do its job, which will end up costing you extra money on your monthly utility bill.

Prevent Costly Repairs

Furnace repairs are expensive, but in most cases, much less pricey if the problem is caught and corrected early. Because most furnace issues don’t render your equipment useless, many homeowners are unaware one exists. When this happens, you continue to operate your furnace with a minor malfunction, which can develop into a complete breakdown or system failure. During furnace maintenance, your HVAC technician will inspect the entire system, catching any issues immediately before they develop into a more severe or expensive problem.  

Improve Lifespan of Equipment 

A well-maintained furnace will last longer than one that has been neglected. Regular tune-ups ensure your heating system is working correctly and remedies common issues due to wear and tear before they progress into severe damage. A properly maintained furnace can last for 15-20 years!

HVAC Maintenance With the Clay’s Climate Control Team

At Clay’s Climate Control, our goal is to keep you comfortable all year. We pride ourselves on providing the best prices for the highest quality work and superior customer service. If you’re ready to schedule furnace maintenance before the snowy weather starts, contact us at 609-916-1106 to schedule an appointment.


Why Joining the 3C Maintenance Plan Is Worth It

Clay's 3C Club LogoOwning a home is one of the best financial investments you can make, and keeping your investment protected is of utmost importance. An integral component of your home includes your HVAC system, which regulates and moves heated and cooled air throughout your home to keep you comfortable, control humidity, and filter the air. While your HVAC system typically isn’t top of mind until something goes wrong, it’s essential to maintain it to avoid costly repairs, pricey breakdowns, and uncomfortable conditions. Efficient and dependable maintenance service plans can be an incredible option for homeowners looking to protect their homes from the unexpected. Below we highlight why joining Clay’s Climate Control 3C Maintenance Plan is worth it. 

Efficient and Dependable Maintenance Service Plan by Clay’s Climate Control

Prevention is the best medicine for your HVAC system. With an HVAC maintenance plan in place, you can ensure you never miss a seasonal tune-up or an annual checkup of your unit. If you’ve been searching for the most suitable maintenance membership near me, our 3C Maintenance Plan will give you and your family the following:

  • Peace of mind
  • Savings on your utility bills
  • Priority service
  • 12% price reduction for all parts and labor if repairs are needed
  • Reduced service charges during regular hours, overtime hours, and holidays
  • $50 Clay’s Cash with each renewal, which can accumulate over the years*
    *Only to be used toward equipment replacement or indoor quality products at the agreed location. Can’t be used for repairs or refrigerant costs. Limitations may apply.
  • A more efficient, economical, and dependable system for years to come
  • Double the lifespan of the average residential system
  • Reduced or even eliminated health risks

If you’re still weighing the pros and cons of a 3C Club Membership, we’re sharing the advantages you’ll start receiving immediately after signup. 

Costs will be reduced

The monthly price alone will justify the total expenditure. At Clay’s, our options start at just $14 a month for central air conditioning and heating system services and as low as $7 a month for indirect water heater and tankless water heater services. These monthly payments are affordable for practically any household and almost every budget. If your HVAC unit constantly needs to be repaired, a maintenance plan can help you save money in the long run.

Priority service 

At Clay’s, we prioritize our 3C Club members. That means if you have an emergency repair, you won’t have to wait for service. Instead, we’ll ensure your home is taken care of immediately, and your crisis is at the top of our priority list. 


A maintenance plan with Clay’s provides consistency from a reliable service provider. We ensure your home has consistent maintenance, and our technicians will be knowledgeable about your home and equipment, so you can come to rely on familiar faces servicing your HVAC unit.

Great perks

When you sign up for our 3C Maintenance Plan, it comes with incredible benefits and savings perks! Members receive $50 Clay’s Cash with each renewal, which can be accumulated over the years. 

Lower utility costs

Maintaining your HVAC system regularly throughout the year will help you save money on utility bills which ultimately helps offset the cost of your maintenance plan. 

Maintenance Memberships Near Me

Our 3C Club Membership stands for three things: Certified, Comprehensive, and Confidence. Enjoy all three benefits and more when you join! When it comes to your home’s HVAC needs, you just make the call, and we’ll handle it all, we guarantee it. Contact us at 609-916-1106 to learn more about our 3C Membership and how it can benefit your home.


How to Improve Air Quality During the Winter Months

indoor air qualityThe weather outside might be frightful, but your indoor air shouldn’t be! It may be surprising to learn that the air quality inside your home is usually far worse and more polluted than the outside air. While this is true at any time of the year, air quality becomes even worse during the colder months when people have their homes closed up tight and trade ventilation for heating. The good news is that there are several things you can do to improve the air quality in your home so you can breathe easier this season. 

What Causes Indoor Air Pollution During the Winter?

Homes are built for energy efficiency. They’ve become increasingly airtight with improved insulation and high-efficiency windows and doors to reduce drafts and keep the cold out. While reducing the amount of warm air escaping is great for your utility bills, it’s not so great for your health. Plugging cracks and improving insulation seals off your home from any fresh air, meaning you are breathing more recirculated air. The recirculated air carries dust, pollen, mold spores, pollutants, and odors that continuously cycle through your home during the winter, raising the concentration of allergens and contaminants. While some health effects caused by indoor air pollution can be felt immediately, like allergies or a cold, long-term exposure can produce more severe health concerns, like asthma. 

Below, the experts at Clay’s Climate Control share how you can improve indoor air quality, even during the winter. 

Dust and Clean Regularly

Prevent dust, mold spores, and other irritants from building up around your home by cleaning and dusting frequently. Mopping and vacuuming help remove dust, dirt, pet hair and dander, pollen, and other allergens that contribute to poor indoor air quality. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to avoid blowing the contaminants into your air vents and circulating throughout your home.

Check Your Ducts and Air Filters

Even with regular dusting and cleaning, dirt and debris will still find their way into your HVAC system. Once these pollutants build up in your ductwork, they will be transferred to your indoor air whenever the blower on your HVAC turns on. Consider having your ductwork professionally cleaned and sealed to reduce contaminants. When was the last time you changed your air filters? Your air filters are your first line of defense against indoor air pollutants, but to do their job, they must be checked and changed regularly. 

Maintain Proper Humidity

Humidity plays a crucial role in air quality. Overly dry air during the winter causes much lower humidity levels than in the summer, and this dry air can cause or worsen many respiratory problems and health issues. Cold air holds less moisture, so increasing the humidity levels in your home will help the air feel warmer and maintain your indoor air quality. To best manage your home’s humidity level, consider installing a whole-house humidifier to enjoy cleaner air during winter. 

Consider Installing a Whole-Home Air Filtration System

Although your HVAC system does a good job of filtering out dust and other contaminants, it can’t remove most other pollutants, like volatile organic compounds (VOCs). If you want cleaner, healthier indoor air, our air purifier installation experts can help. We supply and install the latest air filtration systems, air-decontaminating UV lamps, purifiers, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Routine maintenance of your home’s HVAC system is crucial no matter the season. Professional service ensures your unit runs with optimal efficiency, safety, and performance, as well as improving your indoor air quality. 

Air Purifier Installation With Clay’s Climate Control

At Clay’s Climate Control, we provide the best air quality services to residents throughout Southern New Jersey. We specialize in air filtration, humidifier, and dehumidifier installations to keep your home clean and comfortable, regardless of the season. As a full-service heating and cooling company, we also offer system maintenance, repair, and installation services. Connect with us at 609-916-1106 to schedule an appointment and improve your indoor air today.



G Dull IILINWOOD, NEW JERSEY – October 28, 2022 – In celebration of First Responders Day on October 28th, Clay’s Climate Control has announced the winner of this year’s Fourth Annual Furnace Giveaway to a deserving First Responder within their community. This year’s winner is G Dull II, who proudly serves as a Lieutenant at the Bargaintown Fire Company in Egg Harbor Township.

“When I got the call, I thought it wasn’t real at first,” Dull said. “ I didn’t expect it. I knew a friend of mine had nominated me but I never thought I would win. I was next to my wife and I told her. I said ‘we won, we won!’ We just got a new house and the furnace is outdated so this is a great surprise.”

Dull has been a volunteer firefighter since he was 17 years old when he started out in the Junior Firefighter program at the firehouse. Now at the age of 28, he enjoys serving his community. Dull grew up watching his father serve the community as well. Working at EHT public works, Dull’s father used to service the fire trucks. Dull often came by as a kid to visit and play on the trucks, which his father believes always inspired him.

When asked why he nominated his friend, Phil Battistelli stated, “G always puts his community members before himself and is a great example of what it means to be of service.”

“G is a true hero in our community and we are thrilled to gift him and his family with a free furnace,” said co-founder of Clay’s Climate Control Jen Pierce. “As lifelong members of South Jersey, we appreciate the opportunity to give back to the community that has also supported us all of these years.”

Co-Founders of Clay’s Climate Control Jen and Clay Pierce make their commitment to the South Jersey community a priority. In addition to their annual First Responder Furnace Giveaway, the couple also sponsors local community events and supports CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), Community Food Bank of NJ, Jewish Family Service, and Mainland Regional High School, just to name a few. 

For more information about Clay’s Climate Control, visit 

About Clay’s Climate Control:

Clay’s Climate Control LLC is a family-operated company located in Linwood, NJ. Founded by Clay and Jen Pierce in 2001, the company provides a professional, stress-free experience for their customers’ HVAC repair, maintenance, and installation. 


How to Prepare Your HVAC System for Winter

HVAC system maintenance Snow and freezing temperatures might seem far off, but the winter chill will set in here in New Jersey before you know it. Once the first snowstorm hits, the last thing you want to discover is a malfunctioning or failing heating system. Regular preventative maintenance can help address issues sooner and prolong the life of your equipment, but failing to schedule your HVAC tune-up before it’s too late can lead to breakdowns and costly repairs. Below we share some of the most essential winter preparation tasks you should add to your checklist, winterizing your HVAC system. 

Change the filter.

Replace your air filters frequently, at least twice a year. Filters filled with dust and debris can cause an HVAC breakdown because dirty filters can cause your system to work harder. Keep plenty of backup filters on hand, so you don’t have an excuse for not having a replacement. Additionally, check and clear the air vents throughout your home. Your vents can also accumulate dust and debris, causing ventilation blockages and inefficient airflow.

 Turn your heating system on before the cold weather.

During the fall season, before it’s time to power on your heating system for the winter, fire up your furnace at least three times to ensure everything is functioning as expected. Set your thermostat to your desired winter indoor temperature and let your house reach that climate before turning it off. If you don’t know the best temperature for a heater in the winter, the experts at Clay’s Climate Control can help.

Conduct a visual inspection.

No matter where your heating system is located, whether in the basement or attic, it’s a smart idea to perform a visual inspection before you power your unit for the winter season. Keep the area around your heater clean and clear. Remove dirt and debris and any items stored around the furnace to ensure airflow to the unit isn’t blocked. If your furnace is hard to access, consider calling a professional. 

Turn the heat down.

Do you know the best temperature for a heater in the winter? To achieve the most comfortable indoor temperature and save energy and money on your monthly utility bills, experts recommend setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re home, then lowering the thermostat 10-12 degrees at night or during the day when you’re not home. Lowering the heat can shave at least 10% off your heating bill. 

Winterize outdoor HVAC equipment.

Southern New Jersey experiences extremely cold and bitter weather conditions in the winter. From freezing temperatures to blizzard-like conditions, it’s a good idea to fully winterize your outdoor AC unit before these extreme conditions occur. On a mild fall day, take some time to remove twigs, sticks, and other debris from your outdoor unit. Additionally, you can cover your HVAC unit with a waterproof cover to avoid snow and ice as it accumulates. 

Schedule a tune-up.

Regular maintenance ensures your heating system remains efficient, reliable, and safe during the winter. Furnaces and boilers should be serviced once a year, while heat pumps require maintenance in the fall for heating and spring for cooling. At Clay’s Climate Control, we offer superior HVAC preventative maintenance services to maintain a comfortable environment inside your home any time of the year.  

Why Choose Clay’s Climate Control to Help With Your Winter Preparation?

Don’t get left out in the cold this winter! When you contact the experts at Clay’s Climate Control, we offer timely and efficient heating installation and repair services to keep your home up and running all winter. We also offer emergency heating services – just give us a call, and we’ll handle it all!