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Why a Generator is a Great Investment

generator servicesStorms and unpredictable weather always tend to happen at the most inconvenient times, and in the wired world we live in, the absence of electricity is inimical. But, just like any obstacle in life, a power outage does have ways to overcome. A whole-home generator or automatic standby generator can be the rescuing you need when the power goes out. The techs here at Clay’s Climate Control are geared up and ready to share why a generator is a great investment for your home! 

Save Your Fridge 

Power outages are not easy to predict, and they certainly do not wait until your fridge is bare to strike. When the power goes out, all the produce and other food products within your fridge immediately begin to lose their chill and ultimately end up spoiled and ready to be taken to the trash. A whole-home generator is a perfect solution to restore power to not only your home’s major appliances but all power-needed devices! No extra grocery store runs are needed with a generator! 

Avoid the Flood

If you have a sump pump in your basement, make sure to be aware that the power outage occurring is no longer your only inconvenience. Without electricity, sump pumps do not function properly and can lead to major flooding in the basement of your home. To steer clear of this additional problem, an automatic standby generator can take this issue off your hand and keep your sump pump running.

Stay Connected

Whether the storm is just passing through or will remain over the area for a few days, staying connected with loved ones is something all homeowners want to access. Having a generator connected to your home when the power goes out will allow you to remain connected with the outside world. Just as unpredictable power outages can be, so can emergencies, and generators are the perfect solution to keeping in contact! An automatic standby generator will restore power to your internet routers. 

Increase Value of the Home 

When deciding to buy a generator for your home, the cost is the first thing to be considered before purchasing, and lucky for you, generators create future equity for you and your home! When you and your family are ready to settle in a new home, having a generator on site of the for-sale house will increase the sale price as well as the scoop of buyers. So not only are you investing in your family’s comfortability when buying a generator but future income as well.

Clay’s Climate Control Generator Services 

Take power back into your own hands when you give Clay’s Climate Control a call today about your generator installation needs! Our highly trained techs are ready to answer any questions you may have about which generator will best suit your home and family needs and the installation process. When choosing to work with Clay’s Climate Control, you’ll receive timely and superior service, all in an affordable manner! If you’re ready to keep your power on all year long, contact our team today at 609-916-1106. We look forward to serving you!

efficiency HVAC

3 Reasons You Need Custom Ductwork

custom ductworkWhen having concerns about your home’s heating/cooling system, the first thing that comes to mind is your HVAC system, but more often than not, the problem lies within your ductwork. Each home is unique, and when it comes to ductwork, it needs to be installed to fit each home’s particular needs. Custom ductwork is created specifically for your home to fit its unique features to ensure the best success for heating/cooling. The highly-trained technicians of Clay’s Climate Control are sharing reasons why custom ductwork installation is necessary for your home.  

Improve energy efficiency

Have you ever found yourself staring at your utility bill, not understanding why the price is high? Your ductwork could be to blame. If the ducts in place are too small, it can cause your HVAC system to work overtime trying to push air evenly throughout the home. Vice versa, if the ducts are too big, your home is unevenly distributing heating/cooling. To save your pocket from running dry and to improve energy efficiency within your home, custom ductwork installation is the way to go. The new installation will allow your HVAC system to run correctly and evenly distribute airflow throughout your home.

Longer lifespan for your HVAC 

HVAC systems can become overworked and lose years of their lifespan, but due to no fault of their own. When a home has incorrectly sized ductwork in place, it can cause a home’s HVAC to constantly overrun trying to provide the proper amount of treated air in every part of the home. To ensure the longevity of your HVAC system, installing custom ductwork is an easy and more cost-effective solution. With proper ductwork emplaced, your HVAC will no longer have to work in overdrive and can save you from spending thousands of dollars on a new system. 

More comfort within the home

When in your home, the last thing you want is to be too hot or too cold, even after messing around with your thermostat. With imprecise ductwork in your home, there may be leaks or holes allowing air to escape rather than going throughout your home. But no need to worry – get ready to ditch the extra fans and heaters sitting around the house because custom ductwork installation is ready to save the day! Along with improving energy efficiency, custom ductwork will allow each room in the home to receive the proper amount of airflow. You’ll no longer need to change the thermostat constantly and overwork your HVAC system. 

Custom Ductwork with Clay’s Climate Control

At Clay’s Climate Control, we provide expert custom ductwork services to residents in Southern New Jersey and along the Jersey Shore. We will analyze your home’s needs and design a custom duct system that ensures adequate airflow throughout your home. When choosing to work with our team, you will receive expert guidance in a timely and affordable manner. If you’re ready to schedule a consultation for custom ductwork installation, contact our team today at 609-916-1106. We look forward to serving you!

water heater

Three Reasons Tankless Water Heater Isn’t Working

tankless water heaterTankless water heaters are great investments to improve your home. The systems are energy-efficient, have low maintenance costs, and are very durable. Although, with all the benefits, there can come a time when your tankless water heater is not performing as it should. Your tankless water heater is an essential component of your home, and without proper maintenance, you will find yourself having to endure cold showers. The highly-skilled technicians of Clay’s Climate Control are sharing three reasons why your tankless water heater isn’t working. 

Failed Ignition 

Like automobiles, tankless water heaters have ignitions that allow the system to start. When you attempt to turn on your faucet for hot water, the tankless unit reacts, allowing the ignition to begin generating sparks to start. As sparks generate, the gas flows into a chamber, igniting the burner, thus creating hot water. If you are not receiving hot water, it could be because of the ignition, whether it’s due to the propane tank being empty or the water valves not being open. In a broader scope, this could be an electrical issue with the ignition, and we advise you to reach out to a water heater service provider like Clay’s Climate Control to solve this issue. 

Murky Odorous Water 

If your water seems to have an odor or discoloration, there could be mineral sediment build-up in the bottom of your tankless water heater. But no need to fret as this is a very common issue that occurs. In most cases, individuals will have this issue with their tankless water heater because the water in your area has a high concentration of minerals. Minerals begin to build up within the system and the pipes, blocking all the desired water from flowing to your faucet. This type of water heater problem is one of the minor issues that can occur, but as long as regular servicing occurs to break down mineral buildup, you should be in the clear. 

Blocked Air Supply or Exhaust

Similar to many systems and appliances within the home, tankless water heaters need proper air supply and exhaust flow, or they will stop producing hot water. There are two main reasons for this. First, a pipe has disconnected or has torn while the other is that your tankless water heater was installed too close to other objects. Homeowners can do their own investigating around their home if they believe this is why their tankless water heater is malfunctioning, but service could be required depending on the severity.  

Clay’s Climate Control Tankless Water Heater Service 

Seeking expert advice on how to solve your tankless water heater problem? Look no further than Clay’s Climate Control – we are ready to tackle all of your tankless water heater repairs! We provide tankless water heater services to residents in Southern New Jersey and along the Jersey Shore, including replacement, maintenance, and installation. If you’re ready to schedule your water heater maintenance, contact our team today at 609-916-1106. We look forward to serving you!

air conditioning hvac maintenance

Need for Annual Air Conditioner Maintenance

air conditioner maintenanceSummertime temperatures in southern New Jersey can easily exceed 80 degrees on any given day, so it’s vital to have a reliable air conditioner system to keep you cool and comfortable to beat the heat. An optimally functioning air conditioner doesn’t come without a cost, though, and that cost is regular maintenance. Your HVAC system is an integral part of your home, and without proper upkeep, you can find yourself suffering in the sweltering heat. The highly-trained technicians of Clay’s Climate Control are sharing why annual air conditioner maintenance is necessary for any residential home.

Benefits of Annual AC Maintenance

Our experts recommend annual AC maintenance to keep your home cool and comfortable. Below we highlight some of the top advantages New Jersey homeowners can receive when they maintain their air conditioner system with a certified Clay’s technician.

Fewer Repairs

The last thing you want to deal with in the middle of the summer is a broken AC system. Malfunctions can be a thing of the past when you regularly service your unit. Scheduling a springtime maintenance visit can ensure your system is up and running when the hot weather hits. During an AC maintenance service, our technicians will diagnose any issues within your system before they get worse, avoiding a costly breakdown.

Lower Utility Bills

With regular maintenance, your system will be running more efficiently, saving you money in the long run. By replacing a clogged air conditioner filter, you can lower your cooling costs by about 15%!

Maintain Consistent Comfort

During an air conditioner maintenance service, your technician also thoroughly cleans and lubricates every component within your system. Removing dirt and debris from the evaporator coil allows the refrigerant to pull more heat from your home’s indoor air. After sufficient cleaning, your air conditioner will work better, and we guarantee you will be consistently comfortable all summer long.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Dirt, dust, and debris are prone to collecting within your unit. Without proper maintenance, this debris can make its way into your home through the duct system. These irritants can lead to health issues, like asthma and allergies, and unpleasant odors drifting through your house.

Longer AC Lifespan

You rely on your AC system year after year, and it’s a huge investment within your home. As with any investment, it’s essential to keep it working to save money and avoid failure. The average lifespan of many air conditioners is between 10 and 15 years. Your AC will experience 50–85% fewer repairs over its lifetime when you hire a professional to maintain your unit. 

Why Choose Clay’s Climate Control for Your Air Conditioner Maintenance?

Are you ready to partner with Clay’s and our exceptional air conditioner services? We provide several AC services to residents in southern New Jersey, including maintenance, installing a new air conditioner, or emergency AC repair. No matter what type of residential air conditioner service you are looking for, just make the call, and Clay’s Climate Control will handle it all! Contact us today at 609-916-1106.


5 Things to Do Before Turning off Heater Until Next Winter

heater system maintenanceSpring has sprung, and if you’re like many of us, you can’t wait to turn off your heating system, open some windows and welcome the fresh air inside. But before embracing the warmer temperatures, there are a few things you need to do before shutting off your heater this season. The team at Clay’s Climate Control can help make sure you’re ready with our heating system maintenance checklist. 

The Importance of Post-Season Maintenance

As we say goodbye to the bitter temperatures, it means your heating system finally gets to take a much-needed break. Before you shut it down for good, performing post-season maintenance can ensure it works at optimal efficiency next year. Check out our helpful tips below to guarantee your heater is working its best for winter 2023! 

Replace the air filterA quick and easy job, you’ll want to replace the air filter before you shut your system down. A clean air filter improves airflow and air quality inside your home. By doing this simple task, you can help the efficiency of your air conditioner this summer or save time and ensure a clean filter is in place before next winter. 

Clean the unit – Cleaning your heating system removes dust and debris that has built up throughout the winter. It can also mitigate fire hazards. 

Do a visual inspection – While tinkering with the electrical connections that make up your heating system is never recommended, it’s still a good idea to inspect it for dents, strange noises, excessive dust buildup, and other inconsistencies. If you notice anything that seems out of place, contact the professional team at Clay’s Climate Control, who can look over your unit and provide necessary repairs.

Don’t store items near the furnace – Many homeowners make this common mistake. Remove items near the unit to prevent a possible fire. 

Check the pilot light if you have one – If you have a gas furnace, check the pilot light. A well-maintained pilot light should burn blue, shouldn’t waver, and should remain steady while on. If your pilot light is orange, this indicates impurities and potential issues.  

Schedule professional heater maintenance – After you’ve tackled the above to-do list, it’s a good idea to schedule a heater maintenance service from a professional. Professional heating services should be completed at least twice a year to keep your system working optimally. During heater maintenance, your tech will check various components that make up your system and provide cleaning and parts lubrication to restore and maintain your unit. 

Heating System Maintenance with Clay’s Climate Control

At Clay’s Climate Control, we provide expert heating services to residents in South Jersey and along the Jersey Shore. From boiler repairs to emergency services, our technicians are here to help you. When you choose to work with our team, you can expect timely, affordable, and efficient service. If you’re ready to schedule your heater maintenance before summer arrives, contact our team today at 609-916-1106. We look forward to serving you!


Basic HVAC Questions for Homeowners

hvac questions for homeownersThe world of HVAC can be a bit confusing for homeowners. With words like evaporator coil and reciprocating compressor, how could you blame yourself? Understanding the basics of HVAC can greatly benefit you as a homeowner in many ways, from lower utility bills to a more comfortable home. To help you increase your HVAC knowledge, we collected a few of the most common HVAC questions and let our experts answer them. Keep reading for the ultimate HVAC Q and A!

Q: How can I make my HVAC system more efficient?

A: There are several ways to increase the efficiency of your HVAC system. On your own, you can maintain your system by regularly replacing your air filters, closing the blinds, and adjusting your thermostat. Regular HVAC system maintenance by a professional HVAC technician can prolong the life of your system, prevent the need for repairs, and make it more efficient.

Q: Why does the cost of my energy bill go up and down?

If you’ve noticed that there are large fluctuations in your energy bill but do not change the temperature of your thermostat, then you’re probably confused. These fluctuations are caused by changes in the weather. While you might not be adjusting your thermostat, your thermostat is continuously adjusting to the weather outside.

Q: Why is one room in my house warmer or colder than the others?

A: There are a few explanations as to why this could occur. One reason is that you might have furniture blocking your air vents, preventing heat or air conditioning from dispersing through that room. Another reason is that there could be a kink or leak in your ductwork, which makes your system struggle to move air along. Other reasons include improper unit size, open windows, closed doors, and more.

Q: Will adjusting my thermostat lower my energy bill?

A: The answer is yes, you can save money by adjusting your thermostat! The U.S. Department of Energy found that you can save as much as 10 percent per year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7°F to 10°F for eight hours a day from its normal setting.

Q: How often should I replace my air filters?

A: The frequency that you change your air filters depends on your unit and lifestyle. It’s recommended that you change your air filters at least once every six months, depending on the type and size of your air filter. Other factors, like having pets, give reason to changing your air filter more frequently.

Q: Who can I turn to for expert HVAC services in South Jersey?

A: Clay’s Climate Control is your go-to residential HVAC contractor for all of the HVAC issues that require a professional! From HVAC system maintenance to heating and air conditioning repairs, our technicians have you covered. When you choose Clay’s Climate Control for your services, we will gladly answer any questions you may have to help you get a better understanding of your system. Contact us today to schedule your service or to learn more about our services!

HVAC hvac maintenance

Your Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Home for Spring

preparing hvac for springAs the transition from winter to spring begins, so does the switch from heating to air conditioning! To keep you cool and comfortable during the spring season, it’s important to clean and check your air conditioning unit for any debris and potential issues. Our experts have compiled a list of HVAC maintenance steps to take before the heat is in full effect. 

Clean Off All Dirt and Debris

Over the winter, your outdoor condenser unit has likely collected a good amount of dirt and debris. Leaves, branches, and other debris can prevent your HVAC unit from running at peak efficiency, increasing your energy bill and decreasing your comfortability. Start your HVAC spring cleaning by removing any dirt and debris inside and around your unit. Smaller debris, like dust and dirt, can be removed by using a vacuum cleaner. 

Clean the Drainage Hole

While removing the debris from your unit, don’t forget to clean the drainage hole. The drainage hole is responsible for removing excess moisture. If it becomes clogged and moisture cannot be expelled, damage can occur and you run the risk of a complete unit malfunction. Your drainage hole can be cleaned by using a small wire to remove any blockage. If you’re having trouble accessing the drainage hole, professionals from Clay’s Climate Control can help you with this step during an air conditioning service.

Replace Your Air Filter

Now that the manual cleaning steps are complete, you can move on to the next step in the spring HVAC maintenance process! While checking and replacing your air filter is one of the more straightforward steps, it should most certainly not be skipped. Your air filter is responsible for preventing debris and harmful air particles from entering your home. When you fail to replace your air filter at least once every six months (depending on the type and size), it can force your unit to work harder, increasing your monthly bills and leading to poor indoor air quality.

Test Run Your HVAC Unit

Finish off your spring cleaning by simply turning your air conditioner on. Giving your unit a test run can help you resolve any issues before the weather gets too warm. As your air conditioner whirs to life, keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. If something doesn’t seem right when you’re testing your unit, schedule an air conditioning service with Clay’s Climate Control.

Schedule an HVAC Tune-up

You’ve finally reached the last step in your HVAC prep! After you complete the maintenance steps above, it’s time to schedule your HVAC tune-up with the air conditioning experts at Clay’s Climate Control. Having an HVAC tune-up performed during the spring can ensure that any potential issues are addressed and repaired before you’re stuck without air conditioning on a sweltering hot day. Our technicians at Clay’s Climate Control are here to get your system ready for spring and all that it has to bring. Contact us today on our website to schedule your tune-up or call us at (609) 916-1106.

indoor air quality

5 Signs Your Home Has Poor Indoor Humidity

indoor humidityNo matter what type of climate you live in, both your home and your health can be affected by poor indoor humidity levels. The effects of having too much or too little humidity inside can be rather uncomfortable and even damage some parts of your home. That is why we’re here today to help you achieve the perfect level of humidity for ultimate indoor comfort and better health. 

What are Normal Indoor Humidity Levels?

To begin, indoor humidity levels should ideally be 30-50% humidity. Anything below 30% will cause issues, just as anything above 50% humidity will as well. So how can you tell if you have normal humidity in your house? Without the proper tools to measure your humidity levels, you must rely on some of the most common signs that signify poor levels are present. Let’s take a look at what signs you should look out for. 

  1. You See Signs of Mold and Mildew

Mold growth and mildew are two big signs that there is too much humidity in your home. The corners of spaces like your kitchen, closet, and bathroom are likely spots for mold growth. Another sign of high humidity levels is an unusual amount of mildew in your bathroom. 

  1. Dry, Itchy Skin

When the winter hits and humidity levels drop, some experience dry, itchy skin that puts a damper on indoor comfort. Irritated skin is a common sign that levels of humidity in your home are too low and that you are not getting enough moisture.

  1. You’re Having Trouble Breathing

Trouble breathing is one of the more serious signs of poor indoor humidity. For those who suffer from asthma, too high of humidity inside can cause chest tightness and wheezing. Humid air can be hard to breathe in and can trap pollutants from exiting your home, triggering asthma symptoms. 

  1. You’re Not Catching Those Zzz’s 

If you’ve spent one too many sleepless nights at home, poor indoor humidity levels might be to blame. Both low and high humidity can cause sleeping issues. When you’re sweating due to too much humidity, your body is forced to work harder to evaporate sweat and cool down. When humidity is too low, you may experience bouts of coughing and throat irritation, affecting your sleep. 

  1. Your Home is Being Damaged

Have you recently noticed that your wood flooring has begun warping? Maybe the paint on your walls is starting to peel? Damage to your home and furniture are telltale signs of poor humidity levels in your home. These effects can, unfortunately, lead to costly repairs and wasted time. 

How to Achieve Normal Humidity in Your House

If you’ve been experiencing any of these signs in your home, then it is important to fix the issue for both your health and your home. At Clay’s Climate Control, we have all of the indoor air quality solutions you need to regulate your humidity levels and stay comfortable all year long. If you want cleaner, healthier indoor air, we can help supply and install the latest air filtration systems, air decontaminating UV lamps, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers. Contact us today to get started on improving your indoor air!


Everything You Need to Know About Ductless Systems

ductless systems

Ductless cooling and heating systems are changing the game in the world of HVAC systems. Also known as mini-split systems, ductless systems are an excellent way to provide continuous climate control to one specific area. They’re incredibly energy efficient, convenient, and best of all, practically silent! You may be wondering what exactly ductless systems are and how they work, so let’s take a look!

What are Ductless Systems?

As their name suggests, ductless systems are heating and cooling systems that do not involve ductwork. They include one outdoor and one indoor unit, connected by refrigerant tubing and electrical wiring. Ductless systems are mounted to a wall indoors, which allows you to bring constant heating and cooling to one space. In addition to their main function, ductless units can provide homeowners with an array of benefits.

What are the Benefits of Ductless Systems?

Ductless cooling and heating systems are astonishingly energy-efficient thanks to their duct-free design. With your average HVAC system, you can lose more than 25% of your heating and cooling to ductwork. When you take away the ducts, you also take away lost heating and cooling.

Ductless units have a surprisingly easy and minimal installation process. All that is required is a small hole to be drilled into your wall for the refrigerant line connecting it to your new system. Installation can be completed in just one day and won’t interrupt your daily activities. Plus, their unique design allows them to be less vulnerable to air leakage and security issues! 

Another wonderful benefit of ductless systems is their flexibility. Unlike your typical systems where temperatures are distributed throughout the entire home, ductless systems allow you to independently heat or cool one particular space. For example, if your new sunroom addition gets hotter than other rooms in your house, a ductless system can provide customized air conditioning to that specific room. Although ductless systems can be installed virtually anywhere in a home, certain homes and rooms can benefit more than any other.

Is a Ductless System Right For You?

Ductless systems are ideal for:

  • Those who live in a smaller space
  • Those who are adding a room to their home
  • Rooms with heating or cooling issues
  • Older homes with no pre-existing ductwork
  • Those who live with people with different temperature preferences

Mitsubishi Electric Ductless Systems

Interestingly, ductless systems were invented as a solution to sweltering summers in Japan. Because Japanese homes are famously small and cannot fit typical heating and cooling systems, mini-splits were created by Mitsubishi to bring homes much-needed air conditioning that fit. In the 1970s, Mitsubishi Electric Ductless systems made their way to the United States and have revolutionized heating and cooling ever since. 

Go Ductless in Your Home!

Are you ready to go ductless in your home? Clay’s Climate Control is here to help! At Clay’s Climate Control, we are proud to work with Mitsubishi’s trusted products to provide the highest quality home heating and cooling solutions possible. We are a trusted name in South Jersey because of our dedication to satisfaction and superb customer service. If you’re ready to install a new cooling and heating system in your home, go ductless with Clay’s Climate Control! Contact us today to get started!

hvac maintenance

Questions to Ask Before Buying a Generator

questions to ask about generatorsSo, you’re interested in buying a backup generator for your house? The convenience of having a generator to power our homes when the electricity goes out is something that has crossed all of our minds. After all, the average electricity customer in the United States experiences almost eight hours of power interruptions a year. However, before you start the hunt for a generator, allow our experts to tell you what questions to ask. 

What Generator is Best for Me?

There are two generators that most energy consumers choose from: a home standby generator and a portable power generator. Home standby generators are permanently installed in one spot and automatically start working when a power outage occurs. This particular generator is a bit more expensive than its counterpart, but users can enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that their automatic power brings. In comparison, a portable power generator is typically smaller in size and does not start automatically. While they do cost less and can be taken anywhere, this type of generator runs on gas or diesel fuel. This means that you will always need extra fuel on hand in case a power outage happens.

Which Fuel Should I Use?

It’s important to take fuel type into account before purchasing a generator. The most commonly used fuel types for generators are natural gas, diesel, and propane. Natural gas is a great option, as it is provided by local utility companies. However, this means that it is subject to high prices and reliance issues if you don’t live near a local utility company. Another option for fuel is diesel. While diesel is less flammable, the pricing often fluctuates and it has a short lifespan. That leaves us with the last fuel type, propane. Propane is the most popular fuel for generators, as it has great heating efficiency and zero greenhouse gas emissions. 

What Size Should I Get?

When choosing the size of your generator, you should consider how much energy you use in your home. If your energy usage is on the lighter side, then a portable generator will work for you. If you typically use more energy than the average homeowner, then go with a larger standby generator.

What About Warranties?

Buying a generator is a big investment. When you’re on the market for a backup generator for your house, a good warranty should always be a top priority. While most generators come with a standard warranty of one to five years, there are sometimes options available for extended warranties. 

Now What?

Now that you know all of the right questions to ask when purchasing a generator, you’re probably ready to start looking! If a standby generator is looking like the perfect fit for you and your home, then allow us to tell you about the Automatic Standby Generator from Clay’s Climate Control. Within seconds, the Honeywell Automatic Standby Generator will kick in when the power goes out and will keep running until power is restored. They can even be hooked up right to your gas line, no additional fuel is needed! Your generator will also come with a five-year parts warranty to give you peace of mind. If you’re interested in an Automatic Standby Generator for your home, then contact our team today to receive your free estimate!